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the city of London

  • 1 the City of London

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > the City of London

  • 2 the liberties of the City of London

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the liberties of the City of London

  • 3 Domine, dirige nos (Latin for Lord, direct us, motto of the City of London)

    Религия: "Направь нас, Господи" (девиз города Лондона)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Domine, dirige nos (Latin for Lord, direct us, motto of the City of London)

  • 4 the City

    1) Си́ти (исторический центр Лондона; самоуправляющийся административный район в восточной части города; один из крупнейших финансовых и коммерческих центров капиталистического мира; в нём находятся главные банки, в т.ч. Английский банк [ Bank of England], Лондонская фондовая биржа [ Stock Exchange], а тж. многочисленные конторы акционерных обществ; занимает территорию немного больше 1 кв. мили)
    полн. the City of London
    2) англи́йский фина́нсовый капита́л, фина́нсовая олига́рхия

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > the City

  • 5 The City

    Det område i det indre London hvor de fleste banker, børsmæglerselskaber, forsikringsselskaber og finansielle institutioner holder til. Området kaldes også The Square Mile. The City anvendes i børsjargon i London også om det finansielle marked.

    Anglo-danske finansiel ordbog > The City

  • 6 The City

    Det område i det indre London hvor de fleste banker, børsmæglerselskaber, forsikringsselskaber og finansielle institutioner holder til. Området kaldes også The Square Mile. The City anvendes i børsjargon i London også om det finansielle marked.

    English-Danish financial dictionary > The City

  • 7 ♦ city

    ♦ city /ˈsɪtɪ/
    1 (grande) città: city centre, centro (della città); city council, consiglio municipale
    3 (in GB) the City ( of London), la «City» di Londra; ( per estens.) gli ambienti finanziari, il mondo della finanza e degli affari NOTE DI CULTURA: The City: è il centro storico di Londra, oggi area amministrativa autonoma sotto la giurisdizione del sindaco, nonché uno dei principali centri finanziari e commerciali dell'Occidente, sede della Bank of England, della Borsa e di molte società finanziarie
    city boundary, cinta daziaria □ city councillor, consigliere comunale □ (giorn.) city desk, (GB) redazione finanziaria; ( USA) cronaca cittadina □ city dweller, abitante di città; cittadino □ (giorn.) city editor, (GB) caporedattore finanziario; ( USA) redattore della cronaca cittadina □ city fathers, amministratori locali □ city hall, municipio □ city plan, piano regolatore □ city planner, urbanista □ city planning, urbanistica □ (fam.) city slicker, tipo sofisticato; ( per estens.) furbacchione, dritto □ (stor.) city state, città-stato □ (in GB) City Technology College, scuola secondaria a indirizzo scientifico-tecnologico (finanziata congiuntamente dal governo e dalle industrie e ubicata nel centro delle città).
    NOTA D'USO: - city o town?-

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ city

  • 8 City

    ( London City) the City (of London).

    Danish-English dictionary > City

  • 9 city

    1) [Groß]stadt, die

    the Citydie [Londoner] City; das Londoner Banken- und Börsenviertel

    2) (Brit.) Stadt, die (Ehrentitel für bestimmte Städte, meist Bischofssitze)
    3) (Amer.) ≈ Stadtgemeinde, die
    4) attrib. [Groß]stadt[leben, -verkehr]
    •• Cultural note:
    The City of London ist das Gebiet innerhalb der alten Stadtgrenzen von London. Heute ist es das Geschäfts- und Finanzzentrum Londons und viele Banken und andere Geldinstitute haben dort ihre Hauptstellen. Wenn Leute über die City sprechen, beziehen sie sich oft auf diese Institutionen und nicht auf den Ort
    * * *
    plural - cities; noun
    1) (a very large town.) die (Groß-)Stadt
    2) (a town, usually with a cathedral, granted special rights.) die (Groß-)Stadt
    * * *
    * * *
    1) Stadt f, Großstadt f

    (in London) the City — die City, das Banken- und Börsenviertel

    * * *
    city [ˈsıtı] s
    1. a) (Groß)Stadt f:
    City of God REL Reich n Gottes
    b) (auch als pl konstruiert) Stadt f (Gesamtheit der Einwohner)
    2. Br inkorporierte Stadt (meist mit Kathedrale)
    3. the City die (Londoner) City:
    b) das Geschäftsviertel in der City
    c) fig die Londoner Geschäftswelt
    4. US inkorporierte Stadtgemeinde (unter einem Bürgermeister und Gemeinderat)
    5. Can Stadtgemeinde f erster Ordnung (mit großer Einwohnerzahl)
    6. Antike: Stadtstaat m
    * * *
    1) [Groß]stadt, die

    the City — die [Londoner] City; das Londoner Banken- und Börsenviertel

    2) (Brit.) Stadt, die (Ehrentitel für bestimmte Städte, meist Bischofssitze)
    3) (Amer.) ≈ Stadtgemeinde, die
    4) attrib. [Groß]stadt[leben, -verkehr]
    •• Cultural note:
    The City of London ist das Gebiet innerhalb der alten Stadtgrenzen von London. Heute ist es das Geschäfts- und Finanzzentrum Londons und viele Banken und andere Geldinstitute haben dort ihre Hauptstellen. Wenn Leute über die City sprechen, beziehen sie sich oft auf diese Institutionen und nicht auf den Ort
    * * *
    (UK) n.
    Großstadt f. n.
    Stadt ¨-e f.

    English-german dictionary > city

  • 10 the old lady in Threadneedle Street

    "старая леди с Треднидл-стрит", Английский банк [выражение обязано своим происхождением карикатуре, на которой премьер-министр Уильям Питт Младший пытается завладеть золотом старой леди, сидящей на запертом сундуке. Деньги были нужны Питту для войны с Наполеоном. Подпись под карикатурой гласила: Political Ravishment, or The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street in Danger!]

    When dinner was announced, Mr. Dombey took down an old lady like a crimson pin-cushion stuffed with banknotes, who might have been the identical old lady of Threadneedle Street, she was so rich and looked so unaccommodating... (Ch. Dickens, ‘Dombey and Son’, ch. XXXVI) — Когда доложили, что обед подан, мистер Домби предложил руку старой леди, похожей на малиновую бархатную подушечку для булавок, набитую банковыми билетами, которая могла бы сойти за "старую леди с Треднидл-стрит" - так была она богата и такой казалась непокладистой...

    Though some still call the Bank of England "the old lady of Threadneedle Street" she is, in fact, a wicked old Tory harridan, whose aim in life is to help the City of London make more money at the expense of the working people. — Хотя кое-кто все еще называет Английский банк "старой леди с Треднидл-стрит", но банк этот лучше назвать старой злой каргой консервативного толка, озабоченной только тем, чтобы помогать лондонскому Сити богатеть за счет трудящихся.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the old lady in Threadneedle Street

  • 11 city

    city ['sɪtɪ] (pl cities)
    1 noun
    (town) (grande) ville f;
    the City of Brotherly Love = surnom de Philadelphie;
    life in the city la vie en ville, la vie citadine;
    the whole city turned out toute la ville était présente, tous les habitants de la ville étaient présents
    (lights, limits, streets) de la ville; (officers, police, services) municipal; (life) en ville, citadin
    3 City
    1 noun
    Finance (of London) = centre d'affaires de Londres;
    the City la City (de Londres);
    he's something in the City il travaille à la City (de Londres);
    the City Companies les corporations fpl de la City de Londres
    British Press (news, page, press) financier
    ►► city break (holiday) court séjour m en ville;
    British city centre centre m de la ville, centre-ville m;
    American familiar city cop flic m;
    Press city desk British service m financier; American service m des nouvelles locales;
    Press city editor British rédacteur(trice) m,f en chef pour les nouvelles financières; American rédacteur(trice) m,f en chef pour les nouvelles locales;
    city farm = ferme située en ville dans le but de permettre aux jeunes citadins de se familiariser avec le monde campagnard tout en restant en ville;
    city fathers édiles mpl locaux;
    British city gent homme m d'affaires de la City (souvent représenté en costume rayé et chapeau melon);
    (a) (building) mairie f, hôtel m de ville
    (b) American (municipal government) administration f (municipale);
    you can't fight city hall on ne peut rien contre l'administration;
    Accountancy city ledger (in hotels, business) débiteurs mpl divers;
    American Administration city manager administrateur(trice) m,f (payé par la municipalité pour gérer ses affaires);
    city planner urbaniste mf;
    city planning urbanisme m;
    familiar pejorative city slicker = citadin sophistiqué;
    city technology college = collège technique britannique, généralement établi dans des quartiers défavorisés
    THE CITY La City, quartier financier de la capitale, est une circonscription administrative autonome de Londres ayant sa propre police.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > city

  • 12 city


    I am allergic to big cities. — В больших городах я чувствую себя неуютно.

    Outlying districts were annexed by the city. — Пригороды вошли в черту города.

    The road runs between the two cities. — Эти два города соединены дорогой.

    New suburbs sprang up all around the city. — Вокруг города возникли новые районы.

    The city was destroyed by fire. — Город был уничтожен пожаром.

    Cities are taken by ears. — Молва города берет.

    - rapidly growing city
    - developing city
    - free city
    - great city
    - overpopulated city
    - densely populated city
    - European city
    - oriental city
    - major cities
    - industrial city
    - capital city
    - cathedral city
    - fortress city
    - sister cities
    - townsman
    - city life
    - city folk
    - city water supply
    - city gas supply
    - city utility service
    - city government
    - city builder
    - city traffic
    - city fathers
    - city authorities
    - city with a population of... people
    - city of military glory
    - attractions of a big city
    - outskirts of the city
    - offices buildings of the city
    - bird's eye view of the city
    - views of the city
    - guests of the city
    - places of interest
    - green belt around the city
    - favourite spots of city folk
    - major of the city
    - post-card with views of the city
    - monuments of the city
    - guide book to the city
    - limits of the city
    - slums of the city
    - city planning
    - outlay of the city
    - centre of the city
    - clatter of the busy city
    - general sightseeing tour around the city
    - in the city of Moscow
    - within the city
    - from one end of the city to the other
    - from all parts of the city co
    - all over the city
    - east ward of the city
    - wander around a city
    - restore a city
    - be city bred
    - give running commentary during a city sightseeing trip
    - live in a city
    - do a city
    - found a city
    - lay out parks in the city
    - plan out a city
    - expand the boundaries of the city
    - capture a city
    - abandon the city to the enemy
    - attack a city
    - rebuild a city
    - pay a visit to a city
    - city lies is located on the river
    (1.) Притом, что английское существительное в принципе утратило категорию рода, и неодушевленное существительное имеет обычно заместителем местоимение it, иногда проявляются рудименты утраченной родовой системы. Так, city имеет женский род: Нью-Йорк - красивый город, New-York - she is a beautiful city; города-побратимы - sister cities. (2.) Для образования названий жителей городов существует несколько словообразовательных моделей разной степени продуктивности. Наиболее продуктивен суффикс -er, прибавляющийся к названию города: London - Londoner, New-York - New-Yorker. Менее продуктивны суффиксы -ian: Paris - Parisian; -an: Rome - Roman; -ite: Moscow - Moscowite. От некоторых названий городов нельзя образовать названий жителей по модели: Liverpool - Liverpoollian, a Scouser (inform.); Manchester - Manchurian; Glasgow - Glaswegians. Всегда можно употребить словосочетание: a citizen of London, residents of Lisbon, city-dwellers и предложение She/he comes from Aberbin - она/он из Абердина. (3.) Citizen - имеет два значения: (1) горожанин и (2) гражданин. Во втором значении имеет синонимы subject и national. Citizen - полноправный житель страны - an American citizen; She is German by birth but is now a French citizen. Она родилась в Америке, но сейчас постоянно живет во Франции. Citizenship - гражданство, включает права и обязанности гражданина: He applied for American citizenship. Он подал заявление/прошение об американском гражданстве. She was granted British citizenship. Она получила британское гражданство. Subject - подданный - употребляется лишь в монархических государствах: a British subject. National - житель страны, но гражданин другого государства: Many Turkish nationals work in Germany. В Германии работает много граждан Турции. (4.) Сочетание a capital city и the capital of the country имеют разные значения. A capital city - большой город регионального значения: New-York (Rostov-on-Don, Barcelona) is a capital city. Столица государства - the capital: London is the capital of the UK. CULTURE NOTE: (1.) Некоторые города имеют традиционные названия: Eternal City - Вечный город - Рим; City in Seven Hills - Город на семи холмах - Рим; City of Dreaming Spires - Город дремлющих шпилей - Оксфорд; City of David - Град Давидов - Иерусалим и Вифлеем; City of Brotherly Love - (Am.) Город братской любви - Филадельфия; Empire City - Имперский город - Нью-Йорк; Big Apple City - Город большого яблока - Нью-Йорк; Fun City - город развлечений - Нью-Йорк; Federal City - Вашингтон; The Granite City - город Абердин (Шотландия); Holy City - Священный город - Иерусалим; Forbidden City - "Запретный город" - дворец китайского императора; Cities of the Plain - библ. Содом и Гоморра; Soul City - Гарлем; Windy City - Чикаго; Quaker City - город квакеров - Филадельфия; The City of God - Град Господень - небо, церковь; The Heavenly City - Новый Иерусалим; Celestial City - царствие небесное библ. Небесный град - Новый Иерусалим; Sea-born town - город, рожденный морем - Венеция. (2.) Разные территориальные части Лондона имеют разные названия. Они употребляются с определенным артиклем и пишутся с заглавной буквы: the West End - аристократический район города; the East End - рабочий район; the City - деловая часть Лондона; Soho - район иммигрантов в центре Лондона, известен своими ресторанами национальной кухни; The Docks - бывший район доков и верфей, теперь перестроен и имеет современный вид, место, где обычно селится Лондонская богема

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > city

  • 13 city

    ['sɪtɪ] UK / US
    Stadt f, (large) Großstadt f

    the city (London's financial centre) die (Londoner) City

    English-German mini dictionary > city

  • 14 city

    ['sɪtɪ] UK / US
    Stadt f, (large) Großstadt f

    the city (London's financial centre) die (Londoner) City

    English-German mini dictionary > city

  • 15 The Square Mile

    Finansjargon for kvarteret omkring den engelske centralbank i det indre London, hvor de fleste finansielle institutioner holder til. Se også The City.

    Anglo-danske finansiel ordbog > The Square Mile

  • 16 The Square Mile

    Finansjargon for kvarteret omkring den engelske centralbank i det indre London, hvor de fleste finansielle institutioner holder til. Se også The City.

    English-Danish financial dictionary > The Square Mile

  • 17 (the) delights of a country life

    the delights of a country life (of a city life, of London night life, of Nature, of the mountains) прелести сельской жизни (городской жизни, ночной жизни Лондона, природы, гор)

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) delights of a country life

  • 18 London

    ['lʌndən] 1.
    nome proprio Londra f.

    in o to London a Londra; inner London = la zona centrale di Londra, che include la City, Westminster e i quartieri adiacenti; outer London — = i quartieri periferici di Londra

    modificatore [person, accent] di Londra, londinese; [ train] per Londra
    * * *
    London /ˈlʌndən/
    A n.
    (geogr.) Londra: We're going to London, andiamo a Londra; She lives in London, abita a Londra
    B a. attr.
    londinese; di Londra: London theatres, i teatri londinesi; London Airport, l'aeroporto di Londra ( Heathrow); London zoo, lo zoo di Londra; the London Underground, la metropolitana di Londra
    ● (fin.) London Interbank Offered RateLIBOR □ (bot.) London plane, platano di Londra ( è un ibrido) □ (bot.) London pride, ( Saxifraga umbrosa) sassifraga ombrosa, disperazione dei pittori; ( Dianthus barbatus) garofano a mazzetti, garofano dei poeti; ( Lychnis chalcedonica) croce di Malta, saponaria di Levante □ London smoke, color fumo di Londra □ ( Borsa) London Stock Exchange LSE.
    (Place names) London /ˈlʌndən/ (Surnames) London /ˈlʌndən/
    * * *
    ['lʌndən] 1.
    nome proprio Londra f.

    in o to London a Londra; inner London = la zona centrale di Londra, che include la City, Westminster e i quartieri adiacenti; outer London — = i quartieri periferici di Londra

    modificatore [person, accent] di Londra, londinese; [ train] per Londra

    English-Italian dictionary > London

  • 19 the Big City

    "Большо́й го́род" (Лондон [ London])

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > the Big City

  • 20 Peter the Great (Pyotr Alekseyevich Romanov)

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 10 June 1672 (30 May 1672 Old Style) Moscow, Russia
    d. 8 February 1725 (28 January 1725 Old Style) St Petersburg, Russia
    Russian Tsar (1682–1725), Emperor of all the Russias (1722–5), founder of the Russian Navy, shipbuilder and scientist; as a shipbuilder he was known by the pseudonym Petr Mikhailov.
    Peter the Great was a man with a single-minded approach to problems and with passionate and lifelong interests in matters scientific, military and above all maritime. The unusual and dominating rule of his vast lands brought about the age of Russian enlightenment, and ensured that his country became one of the most powerful states in Europe.
    Peter's interest in ships and shipbuilding started in his childhood; c. 1687 he had an old English-built day sailing boat repaired and launched, and on it he learned the rudiments of sailing and navigation. This craft (still preserved in St Petersburg) became known as the "Grandfather of the Russian Navy". In the years 1688 to 1693 he established a shipyard on Lake Plestsheev and then began his lifelong study of shipbuilding by visiting and giving encouragement to the industry at Archangelsk on the White Sea and Voronezh in the Sea of Azov. In October 1696, Peter took Azov from the Turks, and the Russian Fleet ever since has regarded that date as their birthday. Setting an example to the young aristocracy, Peter travelled to Western Europe to widen his experience and contacts and also to learn the trade of shipbuilding. He worked in the shipyards of Amsterdam and then at the Naval Base of Deptford on the Thames.
    The war with Sweden concentrated his attention on the Baltic and, to establish a base for trading and for the Navy, the City of St Petersburg was constructed on marshland. The Admiralty was built in the city and many new shipyards in the surrounding countryside, one being the Olonez yard which in 1703 built the frigate Standart, the first for the Baltic Fleet, which Peter himself commanded on its first voyage. The military defence of St Petersburg was effected by the construction of Kronstadt, seawards of the city.
    Throughout his life Peter was involved in ship design and it is estimated that one thousand ships were built during his reign. He introduced the building of standard ship types and also, centuries ahead of its time, the concept of prefabrication, unit assembly and the building of part hulls in different places. Officially he was the designer of the ninety-gun ship Lesnoe of 1718, and this may have influenced him in instituting Rules for Shipbuilders and for Seamen. In 1716 he commanded the joint fleets of the four naval powers: Denmark, Britain, Holland and Russia.
    He established the Marine Academy, organized and encouraged exploration and scientific research, and on his edict the St Petersburg Academy of Science was opened. He was not averse to the recruitment of foreigners to key posts in the nation's service. Peter the Great was a remarkable man, with the unusual quality of being a theorist and an innovator, in addition to the endowments of practicality and common sense.
    Further Reading
    Robert K.Massie, 1981, Peter the Great: His Life and Work, London: Gollancz.
    Henri Troyat, 1979, Pierre le Grand; pub. in English 1988 as Peter the Great, London: Hamish Hamilton (a good all-round biography).
    AK / FMW

    Biographical history of technology > Peter the Great (Pyotr Alekseyevich Romanov)

См. также в других словарях:

  • Lord Mayor of the City of London — The Right Honourable Lord Mayor of London is the legal title for the Mayor of (and head of) the City of London Corporation. The Lord Mayor of London is to be distinguished from the Mayor of London; the former is an officer only of the City of… …   Wikipedia

  • Royal Commission on the City of London — The Royal Commission on the Corporation of the City of London was a Royal Commission, established in 1853, which considered the local government arrangements of the City of London and the surrounding metropolitan area.Young, K. Garside, P.,… …   Wikipedia

  • Lord Lieutenant of the City of London — The City of London is unique in that the post of Lord Lieutenant is held in commission. The Lord Mayor of the City of London is the head of the Commission of Lieutenancy …   Wikipedia

  • List of Honorary Freemen of the City of London — This is a list of some people who have been awarded Honorary Freedom (or Freedom Honoris Causa ) of the City of London. This is different, and much rarer, than being an ordinary Freeman of the City of London. Whereas ordinary Freemen apply for… …   Wikipedia

  • Flag of the City of London — Infobox flag Name = City of London Article = the Nickname = Morenicks = Image size = 200px Use = Symbol = FIAV|normal Proportion = 3:5 Adoption = Design = A centred red cross on a white background with a red sword in the upper left quarter Type …   Wikipedia

  • Sheriffs of the City of London — There are two Sheriffs of the City of London. The sheriffs are elected annually by the Liverymen of the Livery Companies, and it is a requirement for a Lord Mayor of the City of London to previously have served as a Sheriff. Sheriffs have only… …   Wikipedia

  • The Hart of London — is a 1970 experimental Canadian film directed by Jack Chambers. Stan Brakhage proclaimed it one of the few great films of cinema . [ [http://www.lux.org.uk/featured/hartoflondon.htm L U X > Featured > Jack Chambers The Hart of London (1970) ] ]… …   Wikipedia

  • City of London School — Motto Domine Dirige Nos Established 1442 Type Boys …   Wikipedia

  • City of London (UK Parliament constituency) — City of London Former Borough constituency for the House of Commons 1298 (1298)–1950 (1950) …   Wikipedia

  • City of London Police — Logo of the City of London Police. Agency overview …   Wikipedia

  • City of London Academy — The City of London Academy is the name given to four city academies established in inner London with the support of the Corporation of London. The academies are in the London boroughs of Camden, Southwark, Islington and Hackney. All four have… …   Wikipedia

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